Thursday, July 14, 2011

Turning the Other Cheek......My Dad

There are several stories that I could tell regarding the reading today.  The story of Betty Mitchell and her family...other missionaries I have known and seen their true humility and forgiveness.....but I have decided that the one I really want to share is a story about my father, Reginald Herren.  

My father was an amazing man.  He was incredibly capable, smart, witty, wise, gentle and called things as they were.  And he modeled for me and my siblings a loving and faithful husband and father as well as a doctor with integrity and grace and compassion.  A rare man.

I mentioned my father in one of these blogs when I told how his few words.....motivated me to complete what I had started on a keep my word to the agencies that had agreed for me to go to Vietnam....Go Ye Fellowship and World Relief Commission.  I know that I never wanted to disappoint my Dad......and even more, I wanted him to be proud of me and my efforts in life.

My father was a medical doctor.  His specialty was obstetrics and gynecology.  He was really good at what he did and had a large practice of several generations of patients.  He charged only what he believed the patients could pay and had many patients that he cared for without charge.  He lived his life imitating how Jesus lived.....helping those in need and giving whatever he was able.  He worked so hard and was gone so much because of his practice but I believed......and would think all of my siblings felt the one would want another doctor to deliver their baby but my Dad......  After all, he was the best.  

He wanted us to follow into the medical field and so took any of us that were interested and had us work in his office in the summers when his nurse was on vacation.....and also allowed us to watch deliveries and surgery with the approval of his patients.  Out of six children, four of us are nurses......

When my dad was only in his early 60's had a heart attack and had to close on of his two offices.  His practice continued to flourish and he worked tirelessly for the needs of his patients.  I remember him having to decide when we would need to go on vacation by the end of our last vacation because some of his patients wanted to make sure their deliveries would not occur when he was out of town.  

My dad's health continued to decline and he had to take more and more time off so was having another doctor care for his patients.  I am confident that he hoped to return to his practice until one incident occurred that nearly broke his heart.  And it was through this situation, I saw and I'm sure everyone involved saw a man who was living the persona of a one following closely to God. 
Matthew 5: 39 says....."I tell you not to resist an evil person.  But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also..."  As Oswald Chamber looks at this verse he says, "This verse reveals the humiliation of being a Christian. In the natural realm, if a person does not hit back, it is because he is a coward. But in the spiritual realm, it is the very evidence of the Son of God in him if he does not hit back."  

There was a patient my father had preformed surgery on.  She had complications and my father referred her to another physician who specialized in that area.  This doctor cared for the patient and she went home, much improved.  The medical records department of the hospital called my dad to sign off on the chart.....and he did.....even for the medications the other doctor had ordered since they were telephone orders and they had discussed the patient several times.  This was not uncommon to do at this time.  Six years later, she sued the other doctor and my father was included in the lawsuit.  By this time, my father's health was so poor, he was no longer practicing medicine.  The other doctor came to my Dad and told him that at the time when his incident had occurred, his medical insurance had lapsed.  His wife was gravely ill and he had not paid the premium on time.  Therefore, he said, "I'm going to have to let you take the fall for this".  "I know it was my fault but I am still in practice and this lawsuit will ruin me...and they will take everything".  

For a doctor that has worked his hardest and given his best.....this nearly broke his heart.  His only mistake was to sign off on the chart......and in the end, this devastated him......but I never heard him speak poorly of the other doctor....

Several years later a Burmese woman needed a consult for a gastrointestinal issue.  And here is where I was stunned.....  My dad made an appointment for her with that same doctor.  He even went with her to the appointment because she needed someone to drive.  When he saw the doctor.....he smiled and shook his hand.....  After the appointment the doctor took my Dad aside and asked why he had referred a patient to him after what he had done to him......and my Dad said....."I wanted her to have the best in this field and it is you".  

My Dad was well known as a Christian in his work life and the community.  I'm sure this isn't the only time he showed the heart of God in the way he related to people.....if fact, it is exactly what he was known for.....a heart that followed closely to God.

I just want to say that I'm proud of my Dad and thankful that he lived the life he did openly as a believer for us to all see and learn from......

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